Exclusivo stems from a research project aimed at optimizing radiator performances in order to offer a product with high mechanical and energetic capabilities.

Pure White RAL 9010


  • Optimal weight-to-heat output ratio
  • Modular: perfect for any space
  • No welds, so no problems with burrs
  • Double coating for lasting finish: anaphoresis + powder coating
  • Improved heat exchange = high performance, low consumption

All models EXCLUSIVO are guaranteed 10 years from installation date on manufacturing faults, provided that the installation has been performed in compliance with the current norms and respecting the instructions relating to the installation, the correct use and the correct maintenance.

Models Depth (C) mm Height (B) mm Centre distance (A) mm Length (D) mm Connection diameters [inches] Water capacity [litres/sect.] Heat output W/sect. (ΔT 30) Heat output W/sect. (ΔT 50) Exponent n Coefficient [Km]
350/100 97 407 350 80 G1 0,21 47,3 91,5 1,2910 0,5865
500/100 97 556 500 80 G1 0,26 59,5 114,5 1,2813 0,7588
600/100 97 657 600 80 G1 0,29 68,9 133,5 1,2953 0,8410
700/100 97 757 700 80 G1 0,39 77,1 149,5 1,2970 0,9358
800/100 97 857 800 80 G1 0,43 85,2 166,0 1,3070 0,9992

Maximum working pressure: 1600 kpa (16 bar); Maximum working temperature: 120 °C
Characteristic equation of the model Ф=Кm ΔТn
The thermal efficiency values shown comply with the European Standard EN 442-1:2014 and are certified by the MRT Lab of the Milan Polytechnic, notified body №1695.

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n. Reg. Imprese: 01963300171 - EORI/P. IVA: IT00667490981 - R.E.A. BS - 280789 - Capitale sociale: € 60.000.000 i.v. “Soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento ex art. 2497 bis C.C. da parte di SILMAR GROUP S.p.A. - Cod. Fisc. 02075160172”