Responsibility is one of the principles on which Fondital vision is based. In fact, on 28/02/2022 Fondital adopted the Organisation, Management and Control Model governed by Legislative Decree 231/2001, with the aim of achieving the highest conditions of safety, fairness, and transparency within its organisation, in the conduct of its activities and in its relations with business partners.
The Model includes a code of ethics which describes the values on which Fondital is based and which should inspire all the subjects with whom it works, available at the following link: Code of Ethics.
The Model also provides for a series of procedures (protocols) that are designed to prevent the risk of crimes and administrative offences, by regulating many aspects of company management in the best possible way.
Finally, the Model provides for the presence of a control body, composed of both internal and external collaborators, with the task of supervising the application, effectiveness and updating of the Model.
The adoption of the Model further strengthens the enhancement of justice and fairness as a constant modus operandi by Fondital.
All stakeholders are required to promptly report any deviation, violation or suspected violation of the Code of Ethics of their knowledge to the Supervisory Board, which will analyse the report, possibly hearing the author and the person responsible for the alleged violation. The Supervisory Board shall report any breach of the Code to the Board of Directors for the adoption of the necessary measures.
Reports to the Supervisory Board by any employee, director, external enterprise in general or other stakeholder may be made by:
- e-mail to ;
- ordinary mail addressed to the Supervisory Board at: Fondital Spa, reserved for the attention of the Supervisory Board, via Cerreto 40 - 25079 Carpeneda di Vobarno (BS).
The Supervisory Board acts so as to guarantee reporters against any kind of retaliation, understood as an act that may give rise even to the mere suspicion of discrimination or penalisation in compliance with Law No. 179 of 30 November 2017.
The confidentiality of the identity of the reporter and the reported person is also ensured, without prejudice to good faith and legal obligations.
n. Reg. Imprese: 01963300171 - EORI/P. IVA: IT00667490981 - R.E.A. BS - 280789 - Capitale sociale: € 60.000.000 i.v. “Soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento ex art. 2497 bis C.C. da parte di SILMAR GROUP S.p.A. - Cod. Fisc. 02075160172”