Our mission is to produce heating systems and structural castings for the automotive sector, manufacturing high-quality products using the latest industrial technologies. We are committed to operating efficiently, minimising our energy consumption and promoting sustainable processes that respect the environment. We also want to be a centre of expertise and added value for the territory in which we operate.


We want to be an innovative company in the production of efficient and sustainable products, creating strong partnerships with our stakeholders, enhancing our local roots to be a global reference.


Today, the innovation and digitisation of a company are part of the vital strategy to remain competitive in a changing market. Industry 4.0 helps to change and improve our corporate sustainability, to increase staff competence, as well as to ensure greater productivity and quality through constant process monitoring. Innovation also means constantly investing in process and product improvement and in allocating special resources to taking care of the facilities.



The contribution of each employee is fundamental for the growth of the company. Our corporate logo is proof of this as the green leaf of the daisy represents all employees.


Just as each of our products is tested for impact and breakage resistance, so the entire company system has the inherent ability to transform and react positively to change, experiencing it as an opportunity for improvement.


Dedication to work is an inherent value in our local culture. It is synonym of passion and scrupulousness: the attention and care for detail are in fact aspects that guide all our business activities and result in the creation of an innovative and high-quality product.


Being transparent and effective when communicating generates trust and credibility, inside and outside the company. Being able to communicate directly and transparently with one’s employees generates an engagement process in which everyone identifies with what the company is and what the company does. In the same way, being transparent towards one’s external stakeholders means spreading a truthful image of the company, its activities and its products: it means generating trust in customers, suppliers, entities and institutions.


The company is strongly rooted in Vallesabbia, but at the same time it has a drive for expansion in international markets, where its products are recognised and associated with the characteristic of high-quality and ‘Made in Italy’.


To us integration is a synonym for coordination, organisation and optimisation of processes and functions, within the company and the entire Silmar Group.

n. Reg. Imprese: 01963300171 - EORI/P. IVA: IT00667490981 - R.E.A. BS - 280789 - Capitale sociale: € 60.000.000 i.v. “Soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento ex art. 2497 bis C.C. da parte di SILMAR GROUP S.p.A. - Cod. Fisc. 02075160172”