One coil domestic hot water storage tank 
to be matched specifically with air - water heat pump systems


  • Thermometer and holders for probe included in the supply
  • Magnesium anode for anodic protection
  • Wide heat exchange surface - high efficiency coil
  • Easy installation
  • Inspection flange
  • It can be integrated with solar coil (extra accessory), installable in the inspection flange


  • External paint
  • Vitrification treatment coated internal surface
  • Carbon steel coil
  • Injected rigid polyurethane thermal insulation
  • Covering in white skai

Models Energy efficiency class Heat loss [W] Hot water storage [l] D x H [mm] Empty weight [Kg]
200 SS 51 190 640 x 1215 96
300 SS 63 263 640 x 1615 130
500 SS 80 470 790 x 1705 181

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n. Reg. Imprese: 01963300171 - EORI/P. IVA: IT00667490981 - R.E.A. BS - 280789 - Capitale sociale: € 60.000.000 i.v. “Soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento ex art. 2497 bis C.C. da parte di SILMAR GROUP S.p.A. - Cod. Fisc. 02075160172”