Forced circuit systems without heat integration in the hot water storage tank

The system can be combined to wall-hung combination boilers with instantaneous production of domestic hot water, using the solar kit for instantaneous boilers.

The systems do not include the retainers for roof installation, to be chosen among the systems specified for the different types of collectors and connection pipes.


  • Solar collectors
  • Glazed hot water storage tank
  • One-way hydraulic unit with high efficiency solar pump
  • Hydraulic and safety accessories


  • Seals
  • Hose with bracket for tanks
  • Thermostatic mixing valve
  • Propylene glycol for solar plants

Models Orientation Model Hot water storage tank Collectors [n°]
HWF 20 - 200 Verticale HWF 20 WHPS BNF 200 SS 1
HWF 20 - 300 Verticale HWF 20 WHPS BNF 300 SS 2
HWF 20 - 500 Verticale HWF 20 WHPS BNF 500 SS 3
HWF 26 - 200 Verticale HWF 26 WHPS BNF 200 SS 1
HWF 26 - 300 Verticale HWF 26 WHPS BNF 300 SS 2
HWF 26 - 500 Verticale HWF 26 WHPS BNF 500 SS 3

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n. Reg. Imprese: 01963300171 - EORI/P. IVA: IT00667490981 - R.E.A. BS - 280789 - Capitale sociale: € 60.000.000 i.v. “Soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento ex art. 2497 bis C.C. da parte di SILMAR GROUP S.p.A. - Cod. Fisc. 02075160172”