Fondital in the UK for the First Time

InstallerShow, Birmingham 2023

InstallerShow: Fondital's Debut in the UK

The Installer Show 2023, the largest event in the United Kingdom for heating, water, air, and energy installers and designers, has just concluded. The exhibition took place from June 27th to 29th at the NEC in Birmingham, the largest exhibition space in Britain, where we had the opportunity to showcase Fondital products for heating and home comfort for the first time in the UK. Additionally, there were two major innovations displayed at Stand F120.

Fondital Stand and 2023 introductions: new radiators range and new boiler.

Every year, the Installer Show brings together thousands of manufacturers and installers in the heating and plumbing sector. It's an opportunity to see and experience innovations, new products, and gain in-depth knowledge about the industry to stay at the forefront.

We also wanted to leave its mark with its efficient and sustainable heating systems, and as first-time exhibitors at the Installer Show, we did it by introducing Fondital’s reality and the technical specifications of our heating and comfort products, presented at their best by our technical assistance specialists and sales team.

2023 represents a year of innovations for Fondital, which our team enthusiastically presented to the British audience: our new range of colours for aluminium radiators and our newest H2 ready boiler.


Radiators Innovation

The second half of 2023 started with a big announcement: the introduction of three brand new ranges of colour options for our aluminium radiators. Our goal has always been to provide efficient and sustainable heating solutions that adapt to the thermal needs of residents without neglecting their design preferences. For this reason, we combined the benefits of aluminium such as low inertia, energy savings, recycled raw materials, and low carbon footprint production with colour versatility. The new colour options total 18 and are divided into 3 lines: the Classic line offers 7 versatile colours, the Style line offers 9 colours inspired by natural tones, and finally, the Special line contains the 3 most eccentric colours, including the iconic "The Fondital Red."

The new colour lines ensure efficient performance and tested durability thanks to a series of treatments they undergo. In our pursuit of continuous improvement and to maintain high-quality standards, we carry out technical tests according to regulations, such as salt spray and humidity resistance tests, which certify the paint corrosion resistance of our aluminium radiators. The testing environment aims to accelerate the corrosive effects on the products in 24-hour cycles, under constant monitoring.

The test results demonstrate the radiators' resistance and show that:

  • Fondital radiators with double coating remain unchanged for up to 216 hours (9 cycles).
  • Radiators with a single layer of powder coating start to deteriorate after 96 hours.
  • Double coating is therefore a fundamental treatment that not only ensures the radiators' aesthetics remain intact over time but also their functionality and performance.


Boilers Innovation

The second most recent introduction at Fondital is the new Ischia Next H2 Ready, arriving in September 2023. Ischia Next is a condensing wall-mounted boiler that evolves from the previous Ischia condensing model. The most significant aspect of Ischia Next is its H2 ready certification. This new model is certified according to the UNI/TS 11854 technical specification recognized by the EU. It means that it can operate with fuel mixtures containing natural gas with up to 20% hydrogen by volume.

On behalf of the entire team, thank you.

The attendance at our stand has rewarded our efforts and exceeded our expectations, we received excellent feedback and are glad to have brought the quality of Made in Italy products to the United Kingdom.

We are grateful to all the visitors of the Fondital stand for the enthusiasm and interest shown towards our products during the Installer Show. We feel honoured to have had the opportunity to share our passion for efficient and sustainable heating systems with you. Our participation at the Installer Show in Birmingham was a milestone for Fondital, as it marked our first foray into such a large-scale event in the United Kingdom. We are excited about the results we achieved, surpassing our expectations in terms of attendance and positive response. Being able to bring the quality of our Made in Italy products to this market is a great achievement that reinforces our commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions that ensure thermal comfort and sustainable energy.

Once again, we want to express our gratitude to everyone who visited our stand and showed interest in Fondital. Thank you for your support and for being part of our success at the Installer Show.

n. Reg. Imprese: 01963300171 - EORI/P. IVA: IT00667490981 - R.E.A. BS - 280789 - Capitale sociale: € 60.000.000 i.v. “Soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento ex art. 2497 bis C.C. da parte di SILMAR GROUP S.p.A. - Cod. Fisc. 02075160172”