We want to go beyond the basic obligations and achieve more ambitious targets than those required by laws in order to be an even more virtuous and sustainable company. We aspire to go beyond regulatory obligations, aiming for even more ambitious goals to become a leading company in excellence and sustainability.

Icona Qualità

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

“Kvalita uspokojuje potreby zákazníka a prekonáva jeho vlastné očakávania neustálym zlepšovaním.”
William Edwards Deming
Norma ISO 9001 „Systém manažérstva kvality“ je najslávnejšia a najrozšírenejšia norma na zvyšovanie kvality. Fondital si vybral tento štandard na definovanie a zdokumentovanie svojho systému riadenia kvality prostredníctvom organizácie podľa procesov, za účelom neustáleho zlepšovania svojej výkonnosti a zaručenia vysoko kvalitných produktov a služieb pre všetkých svojich zákazníkov. 

Icona Ambiente

UNI EN ISO 14001:2015

“Verím, že mať pôdu a nezničiť ju je najkrajšia forma umenia, akú si len môžete priať.”
Andy Warhol
Cieľom normy ISO 14001 je zlepšiť environmentálny manažment organizácií. Fondital si vybral tento nástroj na neustále zlepšovanie svojich vplyvov na životné prostredie a na zabezpečenie vysokej úrovne ochrany životného prostredia. 

Icona Ambiente

UNI CEI EN ISO 50001:2018

“Všetko je energia a to je všetko, čo tu je.”
Albert Einstein
Fondital si je vedomý rozsahu svojej energetickej spotreby, a preto podporuje neustále zlepšovanie svojej energetickej hospodárnosti s cieľom zabezpečiť vysokú úroveň ochrany energetických zdrojov pomocou vhodných prostriedkov a štruktúr, implementáciou, uplatňovaním a udržiavaním v súlade so systémom energetického hospodárenia s požiadavkami normy ISO 50001: 2018

Icona Qualità Automotive

IATF 16949:2016

“Kvalita nikdy nie je náhoda; vždy je to výsledok inteligentného úsilia.”
John Ruskin
Štandard IATF 16949 „Systémy riadenia kvality automobilov“ spolu s konkrétnymi požiadavkami zákazníkov definujú základné požiadavky systému riadenia kvality pre výrobu automobilov. Fondital, ktorý rozširuje svoju výrobu na oblasť automobilového priemyslu, sa rozhodol riadiť sa štandardom IATF 16949: 2016 s cieľom neustále zlepšovať svoj výkon a dosiahnuť vyššiu spokojnosť zákazníkov. 

Icona SaluteSicurezza

ISO 45001:2018

“Dať sa dokopy je začiatok, zostať spolu je pokrok, spolupráca je úspech.”
Henry Ford
Nariadenie ISO 45001 je norma, ktorej cieľom je zlepšiť riadenie bezpečnosti v organizáciách. Fondital si vybral tento nástroj ako príležitosť čeliť, riadiť a neustále zlepšovať zdravé podmienky a bezpečnosť v spoločnosti so zapojením všetkých spolupracovníkov

Icona Codice Etico


“The real value of a man is in how he behaves towards someone from whom he can get nothing in return.”
Samuel Johnson
Fondital's Code of Ethics sets out the ethical principles that guide the company's behaviour and creates value through integrity, transparency and responsibility. This tool is meant to establish a behavioural standard of operational appropriateness and ensures that all activities are carried out with the outmost respect for people and the environment, promoting a corporate culture based on solid ethical values.

Icona Tisax


“Security is not a product, but a process.”
Bruce Schneier
TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) certification is a standard that ensures the protection and security of corporate information. Fondital has chosen this tool to guarantee a high level of security and data protection, in line with the industry's best practices.

Icona Ecovadis


“You cannot change the world if you are not willing to change yourself.”
Nelson Mandela
EcoVadis is the leading platform for assessing environmental, social and ethical performance in the context of global supply chain. EcoVadis oversees sustainability practices in over 200 sectors and 175 countries for more than 130,000 companies. For Fondital, Ecovadis represents the first step in testing sustainability performance and is added as a tool to achieve the goal of continuous improvement in this area. By obtaining the Silver Badge, Fondital guarantees sustainable practices in all its activities and is committed to continuously improving its performance.

Icona Modello 231


“The price of greatness is responsibility.”
Winston Churchill
The 231 Model is an organisation, management and control system governed by Legislative Decree 231/2001, aimed at ensuring safety, fairness and transparency. It includes a code of ethics and procedures to prevent offences, supervised by an internal and external control body.
Responsibility is one of the principles on which Fondital's vision is based. The company decided to adopt it with the aim of achieving the highest conditions of safety, correctness and transparency.

Icona ASI


“The future depends on what we do today.”
Mahatma Gandhi
The ASI (Aluminium Stewardship Initiative) certification promotes the responsible and sustainable use of aluminium throughout its production chain. Fondital demonstrates its commitment to social, environmental and ethical standards and complies with this standard to ensure that the aluminium used in its products comes from sustainable sources and is processed sustainably, respecting high identified criteria.

Icona AEO


“Without logistics the world stops.”
Dave Waters
The A.E.O. is a compliance certification for customs regulations and product safety, issued following an audit by the Customs and Monopolies Agency, during which the financial strength of the company is also certified. The certification is recognised internationally and it is valid in all EU countries.
Achieving this certification not only ensures important benefits in terms of customs controls, shorter shipping times and efficient logistics flows, but also proves that Fondital is a reliable partner that guarantees quality and safety to its business partners.

n. Reg. Imprese: 01963300171 - EORI/P. IVA: IT00667490981 - R.E.A. BS - 280789 - Capitale sociale: € 60.000.000 i.v. “Soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento ex art. 2497 bis C.C. da parte di SILMAR GROUP S.p.A. - Cod. Fisc. 02075160172”